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All the Pretty Colours: Oil Paintings by Michael Epp

Bowen artist unveils first show in a decade
A photo of Michael Epp.

Local artist and Hearth volunteer Michael Epp is having his first show in 10 years exhibiting his new oil and acrylic paintings at the Hearth Gallery in Snug Cove from September 4 to September 23.

Inspired by his mother’s beautiful set of oil paints, Michael began experimenting with art at a young age. Motivated by an incredible art teacher, painting became a daily form of therapy and expression. With a background in architecture Michael has applied his skills and knowledge to his art.

There isn’t a theme for this show in a conventional sense because Michael Epp’s painting interests and inspiration are broad; this applies to both subject matter and style. Each piece tells its own story like a pop music album, each tune can be enjoyed for itself, and there can be profound changes of subject matter and mood from one piece of art to the next.

As this is not viewed as a problem in the context of a music album, and nor should it be here with his art. Michael is still searching for “that painting”, the one he can paint over and over again experiencing the same amount of joy and fulfillment as the first time he painted it.

Like Cezanne with his apples, Renoir with his nudes, Monet with his water lilies, or Michael Klein with his roses. To paint a picture Michael needs to be inspired by something that grabs him; demanding that it needs to be painted! Michael’s goal for the future is to be able to produce and exhibit a show every two years.

“I’m painting paintings that I would like to look at and I hope others will too,” says the artist.

The Artist pARTy with Michael Epp takes place Saturday, September 7 from 6 to 8 pm.