Autumn is I think my favourite season. The colours are so glorious. I believe I can smell Autumn in the air as the fog rolls in from the sea. The sound of the foghorns, in the dark, still, night may be eerie but it’s also familiar and pleasant. I enjoy watching different types of leaves fall to the ground making a technicolored carpet under foot and the subtle crunching sound as I walk on them.
Early morning finds me looking at the patterns the dew makes as it coats the lawn and everything in the garden. Some days I feel the breeze whisper through the trees, and on other occasions I watch as the trees bend incredibly, like contortionists, in gale force winds.
I smile when I see the many sizes and shapes of carved, orangey, pumpkins standing on guard by garden gates. I delight in late blooming chrysanthemums that bring such lovely colours to flower pots at front doors. There is a now a chill in the air, a subtle hint of wood smoke, and the landscape changes to more vibrant colours of golds, yellows, vivid reds, and oranges.
October is also the time for the apples, horse chestnuts, and the last of the grapes and berries to tumble to the ground where they will be scoped up by our island deer; helping them to store nutrition and prepare for the coming winter.