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Here's what the 31st Women's Memorial March looked like (PHOTO & VIDEO)

At one point the statue of Gassy Jack was torn down.

Families, community members, activists and supporters came out to honour the lives of the missing and murdered Indigenous women in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside today (Feb. 14). 

The first march was held in 1992 as a response to the murder of a woman on Powell Street. More than 30 years later hundreds gathered to continue supporting the cause.

The memorial event began at 10:30 a.m. at Main and Hastings streets, where family members spoke about their lost loved ones. 

After a moment of silence to honour the missing women, the march moved down Main Street and turned Alexander Street, pausing along the way to commemorate where women were last seen or found. The group sang the Women's Warrior song, holding signs to spread awareness, as they made their way to the statue of Gassy Jack in the heart of Gastown which was torn down.

After the statue was torn down, demonstrators replaced it with a lone red dress and red paint.

The march ends with a community feast at Japanese Language Hall around 5 p.m.


@vancouverisawesome #gassyjack #vancouverbc #nomorestolensisters #indigenouswomen #colonialism #womensmemorialmarch #canada ♬ back when I was younger.. - nost. 55k!!