Celebrity Birthdays for March 19:
Actress Renee Taylor (``The Nanny'') is 92.
Actress Ursula Andress (``Dr. No,'' ''Casino Royale``) is 89.
Singer Clarence ``Frogman'' Henry is 88.
Singer Ruth Pointer of the Pointer Sisters is 79.
Actress Glenn Close is 78.
Drummer Derek Longmuir (The Bay City Rollers) is 74.
Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is 73.
Bassist Billy Sheehan is 72.
Actor Bruce Willis is 70.
NFL head coach Andy Reid is 67.
Actress-comedian Mary Scheer (``iCarly,'' ''MadTV``) is 62.
Playwright Neil LaBute is 62.
Actor Connor Trinneer (``Star Trek: Enterprise'') is 56.
Musician Gary Jules is 56.
Rapper Bun B of UGK is 52.
Drummer Zach Lind of Jimmy Eat World is 49.
Actress Rachel Blanchard is 49.
Actress Virginia Williams is 47.
Actress Abby Brammell (``The Unit'') is 46.
Comedian Theo Von is 45.
MLB pitcher Clayton Kershaw is 37.
Actor Craig Lamar Traylor (``Malcolm in the Middle'') is 36.
Actor Philip Daniel Bolden (``Are We There Yet?'') is 30.
Also born on this date (death in parentheses):
In 1848, American frontiersman Wyatt Earp. (Jan. 13, 1929)
In 1916, best-selling author Irving Wallace. (June 29, 1990)
In 1916, British-Canadian actor Eric Christmas. (July 22, 2000)
In 1921, country gospel singer Martha Carson. (Dec. 16, 2004)
In 1928, actor-director Patrick McGoohan. (Jan. 13, 2009)
In 1928, theologian Hans Kung. (Apr. 6, 2021)
In 1930, jazz musician Ornette Coleman. (June 11, 2015)
In 1933, Supreme Court judge John Sopinka. (Nov. 24, 1997)
In 1933, author Philip Roth. (May 22, 2018)
In 1933, actress Phyllis Newman (``To Tell The Truth''). (Sept. 15, 2019)
In 1946, Paul Atkinson, lead guitarist with The Zombies. (April 1, 2004)
In 1951, actor Fred ``Rerun'' Berry. (Oct. 21, 2003)
In 1953, musician Ricky Wilson (B-52s). (Oct. 12, 1985)
In 1959, lead singer Terry Hall (The Specials; Colorfield). (Dec. 18, 2022)
The Canadian Press