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Poll results:

In the Wake of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Resignation, What Qualities Are Most Important in Canada's Next Leader?

4162 total votes   Added

Strong economic management skills​ 2413 votes 57.98%
Experience in international diplomacy​ 440 votes 10.57%
Commitment to social justice and equality​ 238 votes 5.72%
Focus on environmental sustainability​ 83 votes 1.99%
Ability to unite a divided populace​ 615 votes 14.78%
I'm undecided on the key qualities​ 373 votes 8.96%

The Bowen Island Undercurrent poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Bowen Island or other areas.