I read with interest the article about Conservative MP John Weston’s re-election bid where he subtly (or not) paints himself as a radical in his Conservative Caucus, standing up for his constituents, the environment and going against the grain. Perhaps he is not aware of the damage to Canada done under the Conservative leadership?
I dedicate this political parody song to John Weston, to help him remember the record of his party. You can sing along with the music of that Ballad of John Henry, or add your own tune....
“Oh Conservative Party,
What Have You Done For Me Lately”
You said that the evil Liberals
Must be ousted at any cost
And started traditions of robocalls
To make sure that they (and everyone) lost
You promised change to the cushy old Senate
And promised greater reform
But refused to get tougher on Duffy, (and Wallen, Boisvenu, Brazeau, Oliver,Germain, and Meredith) …..
For wasting my tax dollars as is their norm.
You entered the government crying
That you would be tougher on crime,
Now how many of your corporate bureaucrats
Are now doing some serious prison time?
You fired the scientists working
Unless filling the petrochemical plate
And are calling David Suzuki
An enemy of the state
You took 200 million from salmon fisheries
Then proudly give 26 million back
Scientists, libraries, and Kitsilano Coast Guard
Were given the literal sack.
You deleted the Liberal gun registry
Was that a sardonic grin on your face?
As you put in secret-police tribunals
Named “Bill C-51” in its place
Local jobs and economy are prime
This is your favourite ditty
But you give foreign companies secret deals
The right to sue our small towns and cities...
Now, John Weston, how did you vote on every one of these acts?
You say that you work for the folks
The Parliament record states
That maybe you are saying a joke…?
….Oh John Weston, what have you done for me lately?
Jayeson Hendyrsan