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Weston takes a stand?

Dear Editor, Our MP penned a couple of hundred words explaining the burning question of why he voted against Bill 603.

Dear Editor,

Our MP penned a couple of hundred words explaining the burning question of why he voted against Bill 603. He took a courageous stand against his caucus on a bill that, if implemented, would have seen new trucks be required to install side guards. In doing so he saved the trucking industry “half a billion dollars.”
I am at a loss as to why he explained this inconsequential act of dissent to us all. I would have been far more interested if he had voted against the government on legislation such as the Fair Elections Act (that isn’t fair at all) or the omnibus budget bill (that stripped federal environmental protection from all but an handful of lakes) or any number of acts and bills and decisions that have eroded democracy and privacy, gutted our census, taken the teeth from our Fisheries Act, muzzled scientists, deported legitimate refugees to dangerous situations, embarked on a new war and otherwise added to our $1 trillion plus federal debt. And that doesn’t even include all the things the government HASN’T done such as ratifying international climate agreements, inquiring into missing and murdered indigenous women and addressing the gaming of National Energy Board hearings that resulted in senior government scientists resigning in protest.
It would be far more interesting to know about Mr. Weston’s nuanced discussions on these truly game changing acts rather than why he took a principled stand against side guards for new trucks.

Chris Corrigan