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This week in Undercurrent history

25 years ago in the Undercurrent Laura Cochrane uncovered a 30 year old Vancouver Sun article written by Mac Reynolds which bemoaned the downfall of the great resort island of Bowen. Gone were the days of Black Ball’s Bainbridge ferry being full.

25 years ago in the Undercurrent

Laura Cochrane uncovered a 30 year old Vancouver Sun article written by Mac Reynolds which bemoaned the downfall of the great resort island of Bowen. Gone were the days of Black Ball’s Bainbridge ferry being full. On the run the writer took to Bowen there were only 4 cars heading to the island even though the ferry had a capacity of 50. Once on the Island, Reynolds discovered an eclectic group of Island dwellers longing for the days of “The Happy Island”. John Baillie, caretaker/manager of Union Steamships’ Evergreen Park resort said, “The 180 cottages are available for rent but it is unlikely the hotel will reopen again. We have done a survey of our assets and, who knows, maybe we’ll sell or maybe we’ll subdivide… Holiday habits have changed. Cars are taking tourists farther away. This resort just couldn’t pay its way.” This view however wasn’t shared with former Vancouver tobacco salesman and current general store operator, Lloyd Walters. Said Walters of the fleeting tourists, “They only see Snug Cove, the rest of the island is building. We’re becoming a Vancouver suburb.” This was being reflected in the real estate market where lots for sale reflected the Vancouver market, starting at $1000 with some water front properties (what little were available) costing upwards of $5000.        

10 years ago in the Undercurrent

 The Bowen Island Golf Course was pleased to announce the hiring of their first full time employee. Spencer Grundy had been hired as the course superintendent. Spencer has 14 years golf industry experience. The organization took the announcement of a new superintendent to remind Islanders that the old Cowan Point Toad is now ripped up and incorporated into fairways #seven, five, three and two, it is no longer possible to drive through the middle of the course. The public is welcome to walk the car path at this time, but please stay on the paths only.