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The joys of the underload

Dear Editor, Last week on Wednesday May 13, we headed to the ferry line-up for 8:30 a.m. sailing to Horseshoe Bay expecting the usual overload.

Dear Editor,

Last week on Wednesday May 13,  we headed to the ferry line-up for 8:30 a.m. sailing to Horseshoe Bay expecting the usual overload. We got a ferry interesting surprise: it left only 10 minutes late with 15 (fifteen) empty car spaces! That is the exact number by which the Capilano was expanded. 

On the way back, the 2:30 sailing from Horseshoe Bay, we got another surprise: 25 unfilled car spaces!  Do we dare hope that this blissful situation will last? In the meantime I will take credit for inventing a new word in our Bowen Island vocabulary: an UNDERLOAD!  

Cheers everyone,

Sigurd Sabathil