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The funny side of the OCP

Is our Official Community Plan (OCP) the saving grace of Bowen Island or is it the document that stops everything from happening and leaves islanders with screaming all the way to the courthouse? This is a question to which I have no answer, and the

Is our Official Community Plan (OCP) the saving grace of Bowen Island or is it the document that stops everything from happening and leaves islanders with screaming all the way to the courthouse?

This is a question to which I have no answer, and the debate is likely to rage on until our fair island sinks into the rising seas. However, in the midst of answering this heated question and many others there is one islander who always seems to come from another place entirely with his perspective, and ALMOST always makes most of us laugh.

Sometimes, though, we don’t get it. Cartooning after all, is like jazz.

The islander’s name is Ron Woodall and this weekend, July 5, marks his 80th birthday.

He has been penning cartoons for The Undercurrent for eight years now, and in that has stood the test of time. To celebrate, and to say ‘Thank You’ for all the great work, we’ll be throwing a party at the Snug Café at 3 p.m this Friday.

Bring a smile and a small donation to CAWES, if you can.