Dear Editor,
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in making this year’s Steamship Days the best yet.
First I’d like to thank nature for the rain. It didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits but rather raised them as was evident by spontaneous outbreaks of dancing.
Huge thanks go to the Union Steamship Company for their support throughout the year. The use of the field, marina and manpower are a cornerstone of Steamship Days.
Thanks to the Bowen Island Marina for their successful ukulele BBQ sing along and wooden boat viewings.
Thanks to the Heritage Folks (especially Rebecca Henderson) for serving their High Tea to an often packed house.
Thanks to the Undercurrent for the four page spread. It was great!
Thanks to our generous “corporate sponsors” like our First Credit Union, General Store, Knick Knack Knook, Royal Canadian Legion and the Bowen Island Municipality.
Thanks to those who volunteered in March at the Outdoor Show in Vancouver and those in May at the fabulously fun fundraiser at the Legion (plus those who donated to its auction.)
Thanks to Pat McCready for taking on the role of majordomo at the volunteer cottage seeing that everyone was fed and hydrated.
Finally, special thanks to Mercia Sixta who’s tireless efforts on the USSC field from vendor coordination to the cardboard kayak race to garbage monitoring ensured that everything ran like clockwork.
She has been my right hand, advisor and friend though many Steamship Days. Again, Thank-you m’lady.
I’m sure I’ve missed someone as there are a number of folks who make Steamship Days happen. Like Judge Henley who walks into my office every year and hands me a check just because he loves it.
I urge my fellow Islanders to come out and volunteer your time or support for such events. They are what make living here fun and offer a richly rewarding way of creating lasting Bowen friendships.
Many Thanks,
Alan Mills