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Thank you

Dear Editor and Community, Thank-you for your tremendous vote of confidence in what I stand for and where I want to see Bowen Island in the future. I am humbled by your support and I will not let you down.

Dear Editor and Community,

Thank-you for your tremendous vote of confidence in what I stand for and where I want to see Bowen Island in the future. I am humbled by your support and I will not let you down.You have also chosen a remarkable, diverse group of committed individuals who will come along on this four year journey. Thank-you to the dedicated out-going council that did so much to lay the foundation for Bowen going forward. And most of all thank-you to you, fellow Bowen Islanders, for being truly engaged in the welfare of our wonderful home. But, also remember, your responsibility does not stop at the ballot box. We are only your representatives and it will take the community and council to get to where we want to be. Please continue to be involved.

Gary Ander