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Municipality should direct development

Dear Editor The primary purpose of a Municipality is to direct and regulate development towards the best interests of the community, both in the short and long term. We will certainly need many forms of development on Bowen over the next few years.

Dear Editor

The primary purpose of a Municipality is to direct and regulate development towards the best interests of the community, both in the short and long term.  We will certainly need many forms of development on Bowen over the next few years. It is very important that our Mayor and Councillors are, without any doubt, willing to act as an effective regulator to meet the greater good in the face of substantial pressure to satisfy the financial ambitions of particular companies. The approach should be friendly but firm.  
The Municipality should lead the development agenda, meeting community needs, rather than simply reacting to a random series of development proposals.  Murray Skeels is very well informed, capable, and has a good sensible vision for the future of Bowen Island. I am very pleased that he decided to offer his services to our community if elected as mayor.
Richard Helm