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Mannion Bay derelict boats: enough is enough

While for some 10 years, the Friends of Mannion Bay have focused their efforts on the “surface” abuse and misuse of Mannion Bay as well as Sandy and Pebbly Beaches, we are thankful Amber Spitkovski, “The Underwater Angel”, and friends are doing their

While for some 10 years, the Friends of Mannion Bay have focused their efforts on the “surface” abuse and misuse of Mannion Bay as well as Sandy and Pebbly Beaches, we are thankful Amber Spitkovski, “The Underwater Angel”, and friends are doing their clean-up part on the bottom of the bay with their September 26 Dive Against Debris.  

DAD has removed a remarkable 3,607 pounds of junk/debris from the bay bottom, which is a small fraction of the “refuse” the community has had to deal with by way of derelicts and unwanted/discarded boat parts from some of the live-aboards and undesirable long-stay anchorages.  I say “some” because not all long-stay anchorages are undesirable.

The timing of the dive is a perfect segue to the September 29 meeting at which council is being requested to move forward with some positive action and regulations which are needed to stop the abuse and disrespect of this iconic public amenity. These guilty individuals’ relentless disregard for the environment sadly trumps the general public’s desire to use the public beaches and bay, safely and enjoyably, which is appalling. 

As Bowen Island and Mannion Bay are an important part of the western boundary of the beautiful Howe Sound, we all love so much, it is important we take better care of our own backyard! As a community, our failure to stop the unacceptable conduct in the bay has made us the laughing stock of the marine/boating community. We all deserve so much better, whether residents or tourists.

R.B. (Bruce) Russell

Friends of Mannion Bay spokesperson