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Making an all candidates meeting possible

Dear Editor and Community, Moderating the All Candidates Meeting on November 3rd was a real honour for me. The job of moderator is all glory. I don’t need to make any controversial statements and everyone is so appreciative.

Dear Editor and Community,

Moderating the All Candidates Meeting on November 3rd was a real honour for me.  The job of moderator is all glory. I don’t need to make any controversial statements and everyone is so appreciative. Truth be told, the heavy lifting work gets done behind the scenes by a committed group of citizen volunteers, the candidates, our Municipal electoral officers and a handful of professionals.
A very big thanks goes out to Gillian Darling Kovanic for rallying the community and organizing every aspect of the All Candidates Meeting.
Next, the committee who with non-partisan and discerning advice helped vet all the questions prior to and on the day of the event: Jack Little, Rondy Dike, Gayle Stevenson, Peter Frinton and Hans Behm. Thanks to Tom Matzen we had a neutral, comfortable place to meet in Artisan Square.
On the day of, setup would not have been possible without Gayle Stevenson rallying volunteers: Peter Baumgartner, Tom Edwards, Richard Goth, John Green, Gerry Sear and many other hands. Special thanks go to Devon McLeod and Sarah Haxby for leading the child minding as well as Susanna Braund for serving coffee, tea and cookies from the Snug Cafe.
Our pros were: Meribeth Deen and Maureen Sawasy at The Undercurrent newspaper for receiving questions from the community and promoting the event, Kathy Lalonde and Casey Grundy, the Municipal election officers, Shael for the AV support and Cam and Kat Hayduk for the video work.
If I missed anyone please know your help was still appreciated. Thank-you for asking me to moderate and making it so easy. It was my pleasure to do so.

Rod Marsh