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LETTER: With gratitude to Bowen Island, from a Dad

Dear Editor, Bowen does a few things really well – like Hallowe’en and Remembrance Day for starters. But it does one thing really, really well – this village sure knows how to raise kids.

Dear Editor,

Bowen does a few things really well – like Hallowe’en and Remembrance Day for starters. But it does one thing really, really well – this village sure knows how to raise kids. By press-time, my last-born will be one day out from graduating from Grade 5 at BICS. Over my 25 years on this rock, kids of mine have spent 18 of their years at BICS – every one of them under the expert guidance, care and love of an awesome group of teachers, support staff, volunteers and administration. He’s leaving BICS now, and looking back on his years and those that his brother and sister spent at BICS, on behalf of my kids, their mothers and me – thanks for all you gave to my children. Amazing.

For better or worse, my last-born was born to play team sports – it’s his passion. That puts him in the crowd that spends hours every week, week in and week out, in all sorts of weather, on and off ferries, in and out of car pools, with an army of buddies and small handful of coaches, managers, parks and rec staff, and volunteers to get them going, develop their abilities, corral their energy and teach them the finer points of life like sportsmanship and team play. It takes a Mensa brain to put together our family schedule every week, but it pales in comparison to the heart that those people bring to their passion for sports and our community’s children – thanks for all you gave to enrich my child’s life. Amazing again.

But, it’s not just about my children and what they do with each of their days. It’s all around us – look at all the good stuff that’s happening in all the pre-schools and schools, and with all the piano, dance, gymnastics, singing, soccer, guitar, library, ultimate, arts, violin, horses, taekwondo, hockey, play/after school care, and on and on it goes. Our children are lucky; we are truly blessed. So, thanks be given, this and every spring, to all of you who so wonderfully help to raise and educate the Bowen Island children.

With love from a Dad,

Doug Hooper