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LETTER: Here’s to another great race!

Dear Editor, The ‘Round Bowen Challenge kayak and paddle board race on Saturday June 27 was, by all reports, a great success.

Dear Editor,


The ‘Round Bowen Challenge kayak and paddle board race on Saturday June 27 was, by all reports, a great success. For 15 years, Bowen Island Sea Kayaking has organized the race but it wouldn’t have happened without a lot of help and support from other local businesses and the 66 participants.

I would personally like to thank the Bowen Island sponsors, including The Bowen Island Marina, Ruddy Potato, and Bowen Island Pub. The race cannot be conducted without the watchful eye of safety boats stationed around the island, so the paddlers, and Bowen Island Sea Kayaking, are indebted to Stuart Ritchie, Rob Mackie, Barry Adams, Rick Hammer, Chris Oben, and David Smith (courtesy of Michael Segal’s boat). 

It was fantastic to meet paddlers from as far away as Vancouver Island, Washington State and even South Africa who came to participate in what has been dubbed ‘the longest single day race on the West Coast.’ There was a good showing of local talent too, including Bruce McTaggart, Andy Hoppenrath, Leo Frid, Michael Henrichsen, Sam Knowles and Dan Dekkers, Peter and Katrin Kearney, and Callie Brougham and Chole Borin. 

For the first time, we offered a half-island challenge, starting in Tunstall and finishing in the Cove. The counter-clockwise course, at 13km, was the shorter of the two directions, but the wind and waves on the south end made the shorter distance a memorable one for those who fought the swells. There was a lot of positive response to the half -island option and this will certainly become a mainstay of future races. 

Another first this year was to start the race in three separate waves so that all of the competitors would finish around the same time. Paddle boards and sea kayaks began, followed by surf skis and outriggers, and lastly, the half-island racers left their mark. This added to the complexity and challenge for the safety boats, and again, kudos and thanks for a job well done! 

The kayak race is renowned for its post-race salmon BBQ and Dan Parkin did not fail to meet expectations. Dan generously offers his services to provide much-needed funds for the Bowen Island Museum and Archives and once again served up an amazing meal that continues to be the talk of the kayak race community.

Thanks again to everyone for making this year’s ‘Round Bowen Challenge a great success!


Brent O’Malley

Bowen Island Sea Kayaking