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LETTER: Harmony and the OCP

Dear Editor, In response to Bud Long’s letter, I join Dave Witty in stating that my comments bore no relation to implementing the Official Community Plan “in an extreme form.

Dear Editor,

In response to Bud Long’s letter, I join Dave Witty in stating that my comments bore no relation to implementing the Official Community Plan “in an extreme form.” I was simply making the point that upholding our own democratically created OCP would assist in avoiding polarization among Bowen Islanders. In other words, when a plan has been formally and legally adopted by a community, it is more conducive to harmony if that community works together in supporting and implementing the fundamental objectives, policies and provisions of that plan. It is particularly important when dealing with an official document such as the OCP which, in the words of Mr. Witty, “is our Official Community Plan in name and law.” In my estimation, islanders would do well to follow Mr. Witty’s counsel, as it lays thesolid foundation for peace, order and good government when dealing with community planning.

John Sbragia