Dear Editor,
I blush to be described as a superwoman. Though I appreciate the context in which Mary Letson chose to use that description in last week’s submission to the Undercurrent (“Positively Fit Super-Hero”), I am vividly conscious of how many people supported my endeavour of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and fundraising for the Women’s Centre for Social Justice. In no particular order, here are some of them:
Mary Letson and Meghan O’Connell of Positively Fit, who coached me so well that my fitness was simply not an issue when it came to the climb up Mount Kilimanjaro.
Mary McDonagh, Catherine Shaw, and Sandy Logan of The Wellness Centre, without whose healing talents I would not have recovered from my various aches and pains sufficiently not only to have made it up that mountain (and down again!) but now to be heading toward my 52nd birthday in the best condition of my last 15 years.
Nneka McGregor and Gabriella Cameto (of the Women’s Centre for Social Justice) and Pat Dasovic, my intrepid climbing partners and their ebullient and powerful sons.
Everyone who donated to the Women’s Centre for Social Justice, whose ongoing work against violence in the home is so vitally important.
Our Head Guide Gerald and our 4 assistant guides and our cook and our 28 porters who made sure we had the best experience possible on that mountain.
The community of Bowen – so many, many of you made such encouraging noises when you learned of my scheme.
My local friends and hiking partners, who never once implied that I might be nuts to contemplate such a venture.
My brothers and sister-in-law and father and his sweetheart, who did wonder about my sanity but supported me anyway.
My wonderful, wonderful husband David and daughter Eliza and son Benjamin, who embraced the idea and was a most amazingly strong and cheerful climbing partner.
It does take a village – not only to raise a child, but to do anything worthwhile. I am incredibly thankful for my village.
Emily Erickson McCullum