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Claire Nielsen: The worst-case scenario with pain meds

Don't be afraid to seek out natural alternatives, writes columnist Claire Nielsen.
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There is no shortage of people (dealers) willing to take advantage of this need, and narcotics/opioids are common on the black market.

This article is written in dedication to those individuals (and unfortunately, I know a few) who have lost their lives to a drug overdose because they were forced to self-medicate to handle their pain. This is terribly tragic and I am in tears as I write this. 

When we hear about the vast number of deaths from drug overdose, do we pass judgment and assume that we are talking about homeless street people shooting up and overdosing? If so, we often don’t value their lives as much, and we ignore what a mainstream problem drug overdose has become. Over 2,500 people died from drug overdoses in B.C. last year

However, when someone we love or respect in our community dies from an overdose, we wonder how this tragedy could happened so close to home. There are many people walking among us who use narcotics and stronger opioids for pain medication. And when the doctors cut them off (due to the addictive nature of these drugs), they may have to resort to finding them elsewhere to avoid regressing back into their intolerable pain.   

There is no shortage of people (dealers) willing to take advantage of this need, and narcotics/opioids are common on the black market. Unfortunately, these street drugs are often laced with other drugs, like fentanyl, to increase their effectiveness. We have heard the news and we are all aware of the problem of reoccurring fentanyl drug overdoses, especially in the past couple of years. This drug has its place as an effective pain medication and anesthesia in hospitals, but laced into other black-market pain meds, it has devastating consequences.   

Here is a potential scenario of how we could end up on street pain meds and the danger of overdosing. If we have inflammation (pain) in our bodies, we may start popping OTC NSAIDs (over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, tylenol, naproxen, advil…) but these are not meant to be taken for more than a couple of weeks as they have long-term side effects in our bodies.

They may also eventually lose their effectiveness. When the over-the-counter meds stop working, off we go to the doctor to get something stronger, and we may be prescribed muscle relaxants, anti-anxiety meds, stronger NSAIDs like naproxen, celecoxib or a steroidal drug like cortisone or prednisone.

If or when these meds lose their effectiveness or a stronger narcotic/opioid is needed, we may end up on meds containing codeine, tramadol, morphine, oxycontin, demerol or fentanyl. These drugs are not meant for long-term use because they are addictive and cause other health issues. Because opioid narcotics are so addictive, in my opinion, they should only be prescribed with added support and detox options because eventually, the doctor or pharmacist may cut off the pain med prescription. If/when this happens, it is common for people to seek black-market medication options out of desperation.   

Before anyone heads down the potentially dangerous pain medication path, I really encourage considering alternative options. Certain exercises like yoga, tai chi, and specific stretching can help. Physio, IMS (intra-muscular stimulation), facial release and infrared therapy can be beneficial.

Changing our diet often makes a huge difference and if we choose foods that are botanical COX-2 inhibitors, they act like anti-inflammatory meds, without the addictive properties or harmful side effects. Sadly, alternative options are not often supported by the medical community. 

When I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, degenerative disc disease and fibromyalgia seven years ago, I went on anti-inflammatory medications because I didn’t know there were options. 

After prednisone caused 30 pounds of weight gain, an ulcer and more meds (to combat the side effects), I decided to research the natural alternatives. I literally took myself to bed and spent four months researching options.

I am walking proof that changing diet works with inflammation in our bodies, and I am happy to report that I have been medication-free and pain-free for over six years.  

Claire Nielsen is a health coach, author, public speaker and founder of The information provided in the above article is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional health and medical advice. Please consult a doctor, health-care provider or mental health practitioner if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses and/or treatment.