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Being on the same page

Dear Editor, I was pleased to be on the same page as Ron Woodall, in more ways than one it appears, in the Boxing Day issue of the Undercurrent.

Dear Editor,

I was pleased to be on the same page as Ron Woodall, in more ways than one it appears, in the Boxing Day issue of the Undercurrent.  I share many of Ron’s comments, who as an accomplished artist has a keen eye for detail, as to the “change” needed in Snug Cove.  Keeping one eye “on the soul of the old Cove” is indeed important as we continue to give the welcome mat a good shaking.
I agree the old charm of the Cove is best served by the retention of many of the existing structures, however, some like the Bowen Pub, have long passed their “best before date”.  The curb appeal is lacking, the highest and best use is not being achieved and the effectiveness of the pub premises for the anchor business and property owner is long gone and likely does not justify the property taxes.
 Following in the footsteps of: Bowen Island Properties (building due west of the General Store); the renovation/expansion at Village Square and the small expansion of the library, let’s hope some of the less eye appealing vacant lots can play a more productive role for the soul of the Cove.  The struggling businesses in the Cove deserve nothing less.  While an improved Cove is certainly not the panacea for businesses which are challenged, forever changing hands or closing, it certainly should help make life better for all of us.
Yours truly,
Bruce Russell