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And the work begins...

We have a new mayor and council and on Monday evening, they sat in front of a packed council chamber listening to pleas, explanations, proposals, and the details of items that have been ongoing, sometimes for years.

We have a new mayor and council and on Monday evening, they sat in front of a packed council chamber listening to pleas, explanations, proposals, and the details of items that have been ongoing, sometimes for years.
They kicked things off on a positive note, by offering their full and unanimous support for the Garden Gateway Project. With no expense to the Bowen taxpayer, this project aims to beautify the entrance to the Cove and create a community gathering place.
They heard about what it will take to get things right and move forward efficiently on the rezoning of the land belonging to the Bowen Island Pub.
They heard about the grant application that seeks funding for the water treatment plant, and that they should consider putting money to clean up big nasty things like docks that wash up on shore every year, into the upcoming annual budget.
In the days following this council meeting, new councillors went to  “council school,” to learn more about their job. Following that, they all met to formulate a strategic plan for the year.
As I sat through Monday’s meeting, I considered the enormity of the task ahead of our elected officials. I considered the challenges to the task of simply prioritizing, and thought a reminder about one of the best ideas to come out of the election (in my mind) might be in order:
During the All-Candidates meeting, now-councillor Maureen Nicholson suggested that an unfinished business audit should be conducted prior to undertaking any new business.
As excited as I am about new ideas being put on the table, I think moving forward requires us to tie up the many loose ends that are left dangling, year after year, new council after new council.
This council has not professed to be the one that will “get things done.” That’s a good thing, I think. Without such a heavy label hanging over their heads, they might actually succeed in helping this little island make progress on long-held hopes and dreams.