This week’s paper is my final paper with the Bowen Island Undercurrent. I asked Meribeth for a bit of space for me to write my thank you to the community. It’s been quite a ride getting to know Bowen through the lens of the community newspaper these past four years. Yes, there have been highs and lows but that’s what living in a tight community is all about, right? In any case, the most important thing I will take from my time with The Undercurrent is what I’ve learned about and from this community.
We are a diverse bunch. We are rural yet urban, we are hippies and yuppies (who, do, in fact still exist). We are retired, we are just starting out and many of us are very young, but one thing we all are is very passionate about where we live.
I also know we are in this together. The support, kudos, kindness and humour I have received over the years of working at the paper have been an invaluable resource for me to draw upon when there have been times of strife whether work-related, community related or personal matters. Here on this little island, every one of us can make an impact, and often that comes down to a choice to smile, say hello and treat our community members with kindness and respect.
If we disagree, well so be it. We should and do still support each other in our right to live, work and play here.
So thank you, Bowen. I’m not going anywhere far. I’m off to new adventures with the great team of staff and students at IPS... and I’ll still be selling pies and baked goods, and I’ll still be at the Beer and Wine Store several days a week, ready to help you select a bottle of wine.
See you there,
Maureen Sawasy, otherwise known as “Moe”
Formerly, Ad Sales and Admin at The Undercurrent
This week in Undercurrent history
25 years ago
A an overnight car accident had residents questioning why there were no police officers on island to attend to the scene. It was estimated that the crash occurred sometime around 1am. An officer from the North Vancouver detachment did not arrive until on scene until 2:45am, well after the victims had been taken to Lions Gate Hospital. At the time, Bowen Island was a satellite detachment of North Vancouver.
20 years ago
The headline in the August 22, 1997 edition of The Undercurrent read, “Community Centre plan backed”. A referendum vote was to be held Sept. 20 for the community to decide whether they wanted various community groups to raise $750,000 to build a 4, 500 sq ft community building.
15 years ago
An article in The Undercurrent detailed the need for more affordable housing on Bowen. Describing how the least expensive house listing (at $200,000) was woefully out of reach of some buyers, those that were left to rent were also beginning to wonder about their futures. Entire houses were being rented for as much as $1400 and, “people without a good income couldn’t possibly rent one of these places on Bowen Island.”