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Actions, not words

Dear Editor, Throughout weeks of campaigning constant reference has been made to one of the key conclusions from the Vital Conversations workshop, “respectful discourse”? To that end I believe past actions, conduct and communications speak louder tha

Dear Editor,

Throughout weeks of campaigning constant reference has been made to one of the key conclusions from the Vital Conversations workshop, “respectful discourse”?  To that end I believe past actions, conduct and communications speak louder than mere campaign references to that honourable objective.  So much of what our community needs, over the next four years, depends on a huge and constant dose of civil, yet effective discussions and negotiations, both with numerous off-island and on-island agencies.  We far prefer the candidate who, from within the very challenging council atmosphere has thoughtfully, methodically and respectfully worked through many difficult situations.
Our support for Tim Rhodes parallels the respectful comments made recently by Shari Ulrich.  I ask, has Shari ever been “off key”?  I don’t think so.  Let’s not mistake Tim’s quiet, soft spoken nature for one who is not an aggressive, persistent fighter with balance, reason and respect being key considerations in his approach to matters.
In order for a smooth, productive and efficient transition from this to the next council we need to re-elect the only two incumbents, Tim and Alison, the latter of whom has more financial and accounting experience to offer than the rest of the candidates combined!  That still leaves our council with over 70% new faces and ideas.  For our tax dollars we prefer the more balanced, open minded candidates who have a demonstrated record of community service; respectful communications, negotiation and dispute resolutions skills such as Michael Kaile and Gary Ander.  As non-incumbents, they appear to have a better understanding of the issues that need to be prioritized in order to preserve the community we love, while at the same time moving forward with reasonable development, affordable housing, amenities, employment opportunities and an increased tax base, all at an affordable pace.  We have every confidence the foregoing “core” choices for council, plus George, will undertake a sustainable (environmentally and financially) agenda with an abundance of factual and respectful discourse.  Let the vital conversations begin.
Yours truly,
Bruce  & Dorene Russell