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A new council, new Bowen, moving forward

On Saturday night, and since then, I’ve felt extra proud of Bowen Island.

On Saturday night, and since then, I’ve felt extra proud of Bowen Island. Not because so many of you turned out to vote (high voter turnout is an old story on this rock) but because we had so many people who willingly stepped up to the plate knowing the stresses, the emotional rollercoaster, and the slings and arrows that are likely to be endured before even getting the job.
Much has been said about the improved level of dialogue seen over the course of this election as compared to others. I think we have Stacy Beamer, Melanie Mason and Maureen Nicholson to thank for that. These three refused to be pigeonholed, and worked hard to change the conversation.
 I’ve heard many people say that it’s too bad Stacy didn’t run for council, because then he’d definitely have a seat. While I would like him to be there, I don’t agree with this sentiment. I think that even if he didn’t win, by running for mayor Stacy gave Bowen Islanders the opportunity to vote for what they really want: a different kind of politics. Through that, Stacy not only proved that Bowen has changed, but also, he changed Bowen.
That said, I think it must be acknowledged that this election simply marks the official beginning of this new way of doing things. I was a bit surprised to see tow-truck driver Bill Pocklington driving around with Stacy’s signature checkmark on the back of his truck. I wasn’t surprised, necessarily, because I thought his leanings might be elsewhere, but because I rarely encountered people who openly declared their support for him. More often I encountered people speaking in hushed tones, saying things like, “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m voting for Stacy.”
I respect the fact that nearly a third of the voting population would rather hold their cards close to their chest than wear a button and shove their choice into their neighbours mailboxes, but I do hope that next time around, we can stop feeling the need to whisper. Yes, people, it is okay to not agree all the time with your friends and neighbours.
In any case, it’s time to march forward and embrace our new leaders - just for a little while, then we can start pushing them to live up to our expectations.
Congratulations, Bowen Island, on picking a strong new set of leaders to help us forge through the next four years. Congratulations to our new mayor-elect, Murray Skeels. Your new role will require patience, an open mind, and a great deal of fortitude. Congratulations to members of our new council. Walking the line between co-operation with your fellow council members, and staying strong and independent will not be easy, but you can do it.
Tim, I believe you would have made a great mayor. Getting to know you over the past year has been a pleasure and I have seen you work very hard for our community. Thank you for all of your efforts as a councillor, and for stepping into the ring as a potential mayor.
Thank you to the candidates who did not get a seat on council. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and your ideas, I hope we will still see you put those forward.
And finally, thank you to the previous council. You’ve worked hard and helped Bowen move forward on a number of important projects. I hope the next council can build on your accomplishments.