Hey SwimBowen community! So far we have raised $36,007 for the Cancer Care Fund... Holy Toledo! Nice work everyone!
Swimmers, please carefully visit the website for important details for the 5th Annual SwimBowen on Saturday July 15, 10:30 start.
This year we have registered massage therapist Jenni Griffiths providing complimentary 15-minute treatments from 9 to 11:30 a.m.. Please consider making a small contribution to the massage donation jar as all proceeds benefit the Cancer Care Fund.
As always, there will be delicious refreshments, cold drinks and fresh coffee for swimmers. Friends and family are welcome, too, with a suggested $5 donation per person.
9 – 10 a.m. Swimmer check in, Tunstall Bay Beach
Please be on time; the event kicks off at 10:30am sharp. You must check in yourself and can’t do so for a friend. Failure to check-in during above times will result in entry being cancelled. There will be no race day registration available.
Please note that race start time is approximate and may be delayed. There is a swim cut-off time of one hour.
10:30am 1500m Wave 1: Red Cap faster swimmers
10:35am 1500m Wave 2: Yellow Cap slower swimmers
10:40am 750m: Pink Cap self-seeded; faster swimmers in front, slower swimmers in back.
The 750m triangular route is marked by three large orange sighting buoys in the bay. The start/finish line is marked by white flags on the beach. Swimmers start in the water, and follow the route clockwise keeping all sighting buoys to their right. Swimmers finish between the white flags by standing and showing their hand numbers. 750m swimmers complete one lap of the route. 1500m swimmers complete two laps.