T'was not long before Christmas,
When all through our isle, not a creature was stirring, at least not for awhile
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But Bowen trails, hot cocoa, and a community of Reindeer!
A sweet and strong lady,
so lively and quick,
I knew in a flash t'was Mary of Positively Fit.
More rapid than eagles her coursers they came,
she whistled, she shouted, and called out the game:
"Now, know that all proceeds fill Bowen's Hamper;
So come one and come all and don't be a damper!
To the top of the meadows and over the bridge!
This 5km run allows you to give!"
By Shelley Shannon, Bowen Island Community Recreation
Reindeer Run Wrangler & Wordsmith
To register or inquire: 604-947-2216