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Island gymnasts join 20,000 athletes in Lausanne

After years of training together in the BICS gym, eight gymnasts from Bowen Island ventured to Lausanne, Switzerland for the 2011 World Gymnaetrada event in July. They were representing Canada at one of the biggest mass sports events in the world.

After years of training together in the BICS gym, eight gymnasts from Bowen Island ventured to Lausanne, Switzerland for the 2011 World Gymnaetrada event in July. They were representing Canada at one of the biggest mass sports events in the world.

Held every four years, World Gymnaestrada brings together more than 20,000 gymnasts from 55 different countries for 10 days of trendsetting and spectacular gymnastics performances.

Long-time competitive Bowen Island senior gymnasts Lissy Allan, Callie Brougham, Katie Brougham, Maia Blomberg, Ashley Murphy, Shilanne Steadmances, Neela Todd and Chelsea Hillhouse performed a physically demanding eight-minute group gymnastics routine on three separate days.

Beyond the world-level gymnastics performances, the experience of attending this event will be savouredfor its celebratory spirit and the daily cultural exchanges we enjoyed with athletes from around the world.

The gymnasts, along with coaches Lisa Brougham and Connie Sherman, and chaperones Melina Blomberg and Yukiko Hillhouse, had the experience of a lifetime that will remain indelibly engraved in our memories.

The team would like to thank Bowen Island Gymnastics and the Bowen Island community and businesses for their support.

A slide show of the trip is planned for early October. Meanwhile, the fall recreational gymnastics registration is on Friday, September 9 from 5 to 7 p.m. at BICS gym. For more information email [email protected].


BI Gymnastic Club