On Sunday, Sept. 28 BIHORA had the first Dressage Practice Day. What is Dressage you may wonder? Dressage is an art, a sport and a method of training both horse and rider. It involves very precise movements, is an Olympic sport and very beautiful to watch.
Our group, involving nine horses and twelve riders, were definitely not as sharp as the Olympic dressage riders but everyone learned a little about the sport and had fun. We are hoping to continue with the practice days and build on what we have learned. One of the fun parts of the day is having the kids involved. We were able to share horses so everyone could have a turn riding the course, or test as they say in dressage language.
The day started out with a drill team demonstration, using dressage movements and set to music. It was very entertaining to watch and an inspiration to others.. Even though it was not advertised we had a lot of spectators drop by and watch and enjoy the lovely sunny day.