After enduring cold, dark, winter mornings, Bowen Islanders training for the 10 km Vancouver Sun run were treated to a taste of spring during last Saturday’s week 5 run.
The Undercurrent will be checking in with at least one local runner for updates on progress. Sun Run diaries, so to speak.
Stefania Short volunteered to track her progress for us, but with a bummed-hip in week 5, she’s not sure how long she’ll be able to continue her training.
“It’s kind of a silly injury, actually,” Short explains. “A few months ago, a friend of mine was complaining of tight hips and asked me to show her some yoga moves to loosen them up. Maybe I showed off a little, now that’s coming back to haunt me.”
Short says she is happy to be supported by the Sun Run training group in all kinds of ways - including through advice on healing her hip.
“It’s the hip flexor, and I’ve been told to keep icing it and make sure the strain does not spread into the IT muscle,” says Short.
Short says that she’s attempted to do the Sun Run twice before, and never reached her goal - and that is her motivation for joining the training group.
“I know I wouldn’t be getting up on rainy Saturday mornings without the group,” says Short. “And the runs go by quickly, because being with people, you just keep chatting.”
Short also explains that the training regimen, which in week 5 required runners to run for 3 minutes and walk for 1 minute, nine times over, works because it forces a slow pace.
“This has left me riding high, because every time a run is finished I feel like I haven’t quite gotten what I wanted out of it. Basically, it leaves me wanting more.”