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Notes from the Municipal Hall

Checking in with councillors (and the mayor) after 3 months in office


Gary Ander
The biggest surprise for me that there is a substantial “industry” that revolves around local government, not only in BC, but I am sure in all of Canada. It is rather reassuring to know that there exists a vast wealth of expertise and knowledge all working together to help local governments operate effectively and efficiently.

Sue Ellen Fast
“Trust the process,” Ross Carter told me many years ago when I asked him for advice. This was pre-municipality when he was Bowen’s elected representative to the GVRD.
Today I am delighted to report that I trust the process even more, seeing it from the inside. Orientation sessions presented by the Islands Trust and by registered parliamentarian Eli Mina on behalf of our municipality have illuminated the aspects of fairness, democracy, and natural justice behind it.
Yes, the process brings a certain formality, and what can feel like an occasional tediousness. But the payoff is big.

Michael Kaile
I’ve enjoyed the council orientations, working with a group new to me that to date have seemed both open-minded and open to discussion. Prior to getting to know the individuals, I might have thought this to be an insurmountable barrier to progress. Proved wrong on that I am pleased to say!
The team at the municipality have contributed greatly as far as I am concerned as a new councillor.
The strategic planning exercise was wholly worthwhile and most professionally orchestrated.
Three months into this journey is a short period in time. Issues forthcoming will doubtless challenge; however, it’s been a good start without doubt.

Melanie Mason
I have been surprised by how much support/training we have been given and much of that is due to the foresight of CAO Kathy Lalonde.
I am enjoying the great variety of meetings that I get to attend. Having the opportunity to sit down with community members or municipal staff to get a thorough understanding of current issues or projects is of great interest and importance to me. I am also really enjoying being the new council liaison to the Recreation and Community Services Commission. It is a real pleasure to be part of such a bright and engaged committee.
I’m pleased we were able to take a firm stance on LNG and also to make steady progress on formulating the strategic plan.

Alison Morse
We have advanced the pub rezoning. I’m glad we had some training sessions before we started into the strategic planning process. I’m pleased with the way our strategic planning day went and am looking forward to the follow-up. I enjoyed going to councillor school and having the chance to chat with our council members, to get to know them a bit more. Meeting council members from other communities and the sessions themselves, you always learn something.
I wish we were having daytime meetings, not evening ones. We appear to have better attendance during the day and it is better for staff.

Maureen Nicholson
I don’t think a day has gone by without something new and genuinely interesting cropping up.
We came together as a group very quickly, mostly as a result of thorough, well-planned training and a good sense of “We’re diverse—and that’s okay.”
So far, I’m proud of the work we’ve done in strategic planning, opposing LNG, improving communication, and moving ahead with the pub rezoning. I’m looking forward to the April release of the strategic plan.

Murray Skeels
The first three months have certainly been stimulating. On a personal level I’m really enjoying it. I’m constantly reading up on one issue or another, emailing or phoning those who have information and being challenged by people with different perspectives and priorities.
I’m proud of how well council is working. While our members represent the full political spectrum, we are working hard to find common ground and thus far I think we’ve struck a pretty even balance.
In the Bowen community I feel a sense of optimism. It’s early days, but it’s a great feeling. Now we just have to nurture it.