As of last week, people heading to Horseshoe Bay who’ve never heard of Bowen Island will know that that yet another island destination lies ahead – as Bowen Island was added to the highway sign listing the destinations of Gibsons and Nanaimo.
Bowen Island Economic Development Committee chair, Gordon Ganong, says that the sign will also help eliminate potentially dangerous confusion near the exit to Horseshoe Bay.
“There were reports of near- accidents because people didn’t know where they were headed, and changed lanes too quickly,” says Ganong.
He adds that a regional manager of economic development with the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training, Lindsay Bisschop, played a critical role in getting the signage done.
“She was able to bring the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to the table,” says Ganong. “We at the EDC had a conference call with them, and from there, things moved forward.”