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Meet your Bowen Island neighbours: Oydis Nickle

This week's neighbour: Oydis Nickle
Oydis Nickle
Oydis moved to Bowen permanently in 2014.

What would you like to know about your neighbours? Send suggestions to This week’s neighbour: Oydis Nickle

When did you come to Bowen?

That’s tricky question. We started coming here as kids when mom and dad bought the marina in ‘85 and spent our summers here and then I and worked at Doc Morgan’s and Union Steamship Company Marina. And then I went to university got married and I stayed in the states. I came back permanently in 2014.

How did you come to be on Bowen?

Mom and Dad, Dorothy and Rondy Dike, purchased the marina in 1985, and redeveloped it. And then now I’ve moved up here to help them manage it in their older age.

Fill the ferry lineup gap or don’t fill the gap?

Fill it – fill the gap. 


Because sometimes people will leave spaces of hundreds of feet. And then they’re backed up and people who go to the top don’t think that there’s room on the ferry and they turn around.

Where on Bowen do you live?

Snug Point

What’s your favourite Bowen fact or story?

There really are too many – that Bowen could be in its own reality show every day. How’s that for an answer?

Very diplomatic

What do Bowen Islanders have in common?

They’re very passionate about what they believe in. That was also diplomatic.

What’s your favourite COVID-19 balm or activity?

I just work as I normally have, I haven’t stopped. I probably work more than I have. But getting out on a boat.

I guess you’ve long been a sailor?

When I was seven, we sailed from England to Seattle. Rondy bought a boat in England. We refitted it and the whole family of five, plus a set of grandparents, was on the 36-foot sailboat and sailed it back from England.

And everybody survived.

Yeah. That’s probably why we could fight and get along.