I use this mayor's report to provide a short update to the community on several important initiatives currently underway by the municipality. As this council term nears completion, so too do a number of strategic plan priorities that have been underway for the past two to three years.
Budget: Our 2011 budget is complete. Staff prepared a budget that met council's fiscal targets of a tax increase of no more than three per cent and a contribution to municipal reserves of more than three per cent over 2010 levels, and achieved a reduction in total operating costs. Council and staff had challenging choices as we balanced the needs of the community with the costs of our services, infrastructure investments, and savings. Major capital projects in the 2011 budget are the satellite firehall ($405K), road improvements ($455K), and Tunstall Bay boat launch ($220K). Council held constant the budget for the library and community grants, seeing both as priorities, while most departmental budgets were reduced.
Wastewater Treatment Plant: The expansion and environmental upgrade of the plant, a keystone project required for any further development in Snug Cove, will provide much improved treatment of waste water and produce effluent that meets water quality requirements for irrigation of playing fields. Plant construction is targeted to complete in late June.
Fire Hall: Staff are advancing building plans and a rezoning application for the satellite fire hall at the intersection of Cromie and Adams roads on the west side of the island. Environmental evaluation, site survey, and assessment of space requirements are complete. Construction is intended to start in the fall. Given the staff resources required by the satellite fire hall construction project, and outstanding uncertainties about location and design of a new main fire hall, council has decided not to conduct a referendum regarding borrowing for a new main fire hall during the November elections.
Tunstall Bay Boat Ramp: Boat ramp construction is in the 2011 capital budget and detailed construction drawings are complete. The boat ramp is both a recreational asset and a back-up emergency access to the island. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has accepted our design and initiated its final review. Authorization to proceed is now expected in late July. I would like to thank our MP John Weston for his assistance.
Roads: Wil Hilsen, manager of engineering and operations, presented the 2011 road capital upgrade plan to council at the June 20 meeting. The 2011 plan is part of a long-range capital upgrade and maintenance strategy for island roads based on a comprehensive assessment of road use and condition, for which staff are commended. Major components of this year's work include paving on Bowen Bay Road, chip sealing Bluewater roads, culvert replacements on Grafton Road, and many smaller works.
Official Community Plan Update: The OCP update, underway since 2009, is drawing toward conclusion. The draft OCP received second reading June 6. Development permit areas for regulation of steep slope areas, environmentally sensitive areas, and watershed, aquifer and stream protection areas are established in the OCP with complementary guidelines and exemptions in amendments to the Land Use Bylaw. Bylaws received second reading June 13 and June 20. A public hearing for the OCP and related bylaws is scheduled for Saturday, July 9 at BICS gym, starting at noon.
Snug Cove Planning: Public consultation regarding ferry marshalling and village design options is in process under the direction of our planning department and consultant James Tuer. Public information meetings were held Thursday, June 16 and Saturday, June 18 at Cates Hill Chapel. An island-wide mail out describing the four design schemes was distributed three weeks ago. A website was also developed that allows the public to consider the options and vote on preferences at http://www.snugcoveconcepts.ca. Please take the time to visit the website and offer your preferences; the deadline for public input will likely be near the end of June. Based on this public input, council will decide on a ferry marshalling plan for Snug Cove this autumn.
National Park: Council awaits Parks Canada's revised concept plan for a national park on Bowen Island. Council provided comments on the preliminary concept plan, based on input from the national park community advisory committee which compiled public comment, the advisory planning commission, greenways committee, and staff. The council response highlights three major areas of concern and need for improvement: Crippen Park, transportation and ferry management, and park governance.
Bob Turner
Bowen Island Mayor