Alison Morse
Running for: Councillor, Islands Trust Trustee
Age: It is all relative
Occupation: Chartered professional accountant, retired
How long have you lived on Bowen?: 23 years
Please list any current and past committees you've been a part of and how long you served on each: Community Center Select Steering Committee (2016-present), Ferry Advisory Committee (2000-2018), Finance Advisory Committee and predecessor task force (2012-present), Fire Hall Facilities Steering Committee chair (2003-present), Human Resources Committee (2012-present), Bowen Bay, BlueWater, Eagle Cliff, Hood Point, King Edward Bay, Tunstall Bay Water System Local Advisory Committees (2003-2009 and when council member reappointed 2014), Transportation Advisory Committee (2013-2018), Economic Development Committee and predecessor working group (2012-2015), North Shore Substance Abuse Working Group, steering committee for the Housing Needs Assessment and Affordable Housing Strategy, Task Force that developed the BIM budget and financial decision making guidelines and policies, Water Services Management Commission (2003-wound up in 2009, Snug Cove Master Plan and Transportation Working Groups, Affordable Housing Working Group, Islands Trust Financial Planning Committee member from (2002 -2011) (Chair 2008-2011) 2014-2018 (vice chair), member of Select Committee to Review Victoria Office Location (2016-17), Governance Task Force (2006-2008), MetroVancouver Alternate Director (2008-2011), MetroVancouver Parks Committee (2009), MetroVancouver Small Communities Policing Task Force (2005-2006), Pre incorporation: vice-chair, Bowen Island Parks and Recreation Commission (1996-99), vice-chair, Restructure Committee (1998-99)
What are your priorities if elected (beyond housing or transportation.): Community Centre, Crown lands protection, watersheds, firehall asset management plan, facilitate economic development, health facilities/services, derelict and problem vessels, sell some community/surplus land, fiscal responsibility.
Housing is emerging as one of the top issues of this election - what would you specifically do to address the lack of affordable and/or rental housing?: Encourage council to fast track any applications for rezoning or permits that would create rental housing. Work with BC Housing and not-for-profits, quantify need. Consider: reducing the minimum lot size for detached secondary suites, revitalization property tax exemptions, additional units, FSR for covenants for perpetual rental, new legislation.
How would you address the animal control issues of deer and skunks on-island?: First, quantify the problems associated with each, ascertain what authority we have under the Wildlife Act, consider options, consult with other islands, public, educate.
What ideas do you have for managing Bowen's tourism tensions?: Need to ascertain what the tensions are, consider doing a survey as was done previously to gather community information on attitudes toward tourism. Meet with the businesses to hear their concerns and issues, Economic Development Committee, Tourism Bowen Island, Bowen Island Arts Council and Bowen Community Foundation. Then examine causes of tension and management plan for them.
Air BnB - yes or no? Why?: Air BnB is an online platform like to rent short term vacation accommodation with kitchen facilities. Bed and breakfasts are allowed as home occupation and short term vacation rentals are allowed in Snug Cove. Both provide visitor accommodation and are mortgage helpers. Consider regulating short term vacation rentals and consider Victoria, Vancouver and Tofino models.
In a campaign (so far) characterized by candidates agreeing with one another-what do you feel is at stake in this election?: Electing candidates with diverse skill sets and perspectives who will be able to deal effectively with the broad range of issues that municipalities deal with.
Why are you running for Islands Trust trustee?: To continue to represent the interests of our Island municipality. I have good grasp of the Trust's financial policies and I want to continue to advocate for fiscal responsibility, problem vessel management, marine and ferry issues. In my time on the Finance Committee, processes and finances have improved. More to do.
Facebook page: Alison4Council
Website address: