There were 47 files in February:
5 False/Abandoned 911 Calls - Residential/Cell/Business lines.
2 Animal Files – Deer struck and a dog on the loose.
6 Assist other Agencies Files - Assisted Osoyoos RCMP with an arrest; Bylaws with a noise complaint; IHIT; Coastal Health for a check wellbeing; Municipality for Water Taxi management; Parole Board.
3 Check Wellbeing – Requested by relatives, resolved.
2 Motor Vehicle Incidents – 1 with minor damage, 1 serious single vehicle collision due to a medical event.
5 Harassments - Landlord/Tenant issues, Unwanted Guests, Family Law.
2 Provincial Permits – Both for ATV’s required for snow plowing.
4 Property Found – 3 Wallets and prescription eyeglasses.
4 Property Lost – 2 Phones, 2 wallets (neither of the above).
1 Suspicious Situation – Kitchen knife found near the roadway, not criminal in nature.
4 Speed Enforcement Days - Afternoon at Bowen Island Community School.
2 ‘Bowen Island Trunk Road’ U-turn ‘Blitz’s’ - Tickets issued.
2 Driving Complaints – Speeding towards the Ferry Lineup.
1 Ferry Collision – Ferry vs Dock/Boat.
1 Theft – Found to be misplaced tools.
1 Fraud – Investment/Stock Market related.
1 Assault – Issue resolved without charges. Aggressor left the Island voluntarily.
1 Trespass Act – Vehicle on Nature trails.
March Forecast:
Bowen Island RCMP will be presenting the year end report to the Mayor and Council this month.
Speedwatch volunteers have been identified and are currently being screened. Expect to see them on the road with their mobile electronic sign board soon!