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These Bowen Ladies are Madz about Singing

The Ladies Madrigal Singers a.k.a. The Madz are performing their Spring concert this Saturday at Cates Hill Chapel
The Madz Singers at Collins Hall.

There are a few “institutions” on Bowen Island, and the Ladies Madrigal Singers, a.k.a. The Madz, is indeed one of them.

The Ladies Madrigal singers first began circa 1995 under the direction of Alison Nixon. The existing choir today has two original members; Lynne Hartle and Nan Massender.

Eleanor Benson, now living in France, took over the direction of the Madrigal Singers circa 1994. The choir has enjoyed the accompaniment of Lois Belluk for many years and currently Sheilagh Sparks is the accompanist. Lynn Williams became the director circa 2001 and she and the choir are still flourishing today. To celebrate their longevity, The Madz are looking at putting together a reunion sometime in 2023/24.

On May 6, at 7 pm at Cates Hill Chapel, Lynn Williams, Sheilagh Sparks, Nova Pon on the flute, and The Madz willl bring you a lively spring concert with the trusty humorist Graham Ritchie as emcee. Although the Madz is an all female choir, a handful of men will grace the stage for one number only - Manly Men.

You are guaranteed to have a laugh thanks to Davin Killy, David Cameron, Matthew Redekopp, and Jack Callister. A catchy lyric, “We are men and we like to sing... though we may not always inspire, at least we’re not a women’s choir.”

A further sample of songs from the concert include a traditional version of Down to the River to Pray; Over my Head - arranged by Adam and Matt Podd; Sing Gently by Eric Whitacre; This Ol’ Man - arranged by Greg Gilpin; and Altos Lament by William Bowlus.

Please join Lynn and The Madz for this spring tradition. Tickets are sold at Cates Pharmacy and at the door. $20 for adults and seniors. Children are free.

Once you see the concert, and if you feel inclined to know more about the choir, please know this is a “by invitation only” group. If you’re interested, please call Lynn Williams at 778-319-0090

Submitted with glee,

- Lorraine Ashdown: Madz Alumni