The month of April was a very busy period for members of the Memorial Garden Society. Volunteers helped to clear away fallen debris accumulated during the winter months, removing the moss creeping over the edges of the pathways.
On the following Saturday, a large pile of gravel was waiting and, much to my amazement, the parks board lent us a small machine and operator to move the gravel as required. The male volunteers - Bruce, Van and Effron - raked and spread the gravel neatly on the pathways. The other volunteers, mostly seniors, raked up and removed leaves and debris.
After a few well-spent hours, all retired to the Snug for coffee and a sandwich, well pleased with their work.
Our sincerest thanks go to all who participated; the parks board for its assistance, the gift of gravel and a special thank you to Bruce for his powers of persuasion.
JACQUELINE BAKKER, Memorial Garden Society