Dear Editor,
On behalf of the congregation of Bowen Island United Church, I would like to thank the community for coming out to the Strawberry Tea on Saturday, June 25. It was one of our most successful events ever. The sun shone and the strawberry shortcake and barbeque was enjoyed by many.
Pies were purchased and the raffles and silent auction were very well supported. And thank you to Nicole Thomas and Carmina Bowena for the gift of song and children’s author Ainslie Manson for reading her stories to some of Bowen’s kids and parents.
Thanks to Mr. Potts for donating two lovely plants; The Orchard for donating the use of their kitchen, staff and the pie shells; and The Building Centre for a generous donation of gardening supplies for our auction.
Perhaps the biggest joy of the day was to be able to host the community once more after not having been able to do so for two years. So many of you came out to visit with friends and neighbours. Your support and presence in our churchyard meant the world to us.
I heard from several folks that they had been coming to the tea for 10, 20, 30 years or more, and they were very happy to be back. We were certainly happy to be hosting you all again.
Bowen Island is a community rich in relationship and good will. Thank you all for supporting Bowen Island United Church and we look forward to hosting you all again in 360 days or so.
With much gratitude,
- Rev. Lorraine Ashdown
Bowen Island United Church