Bowen is a crazy place these days. The island appears to be psychically split right down the middle between old and new, green and blue and me and you. The discord needs to be healed and Kingbaby Theatre thinks they have the cure. No, it's not a focus group, a referendum or a slate of candidates. It's laughter.
The View is an original play written for Bowen Island by David Cameron. Kingbaby Productions first mounted it in 2006 to sold out crowds who were introduced to the story of a couple named Angel and Zorg. Angel is a Tantric healer and spiritualist. Zorg is a chain-saw artist. One day, the new neighbours come and knock on their door, hoping to convince the couple to cut down a tree in their yard, in order to improve their view.
Of course, this being Bowen, nothing is going to be easy. Before the issue is resolved, the plot farcically trips over all the challenges facing island life: Neighbours, trees, power outages, ferry ramps, infidelity and the deer.
The play stars David Cameron, Heather Hodson, Jackie Minns and Graham Ritchie. Direction by Nina Hughes.
Come and be cured.
The View opens Thursday June 23 and runs through to July 3 at 8 p.m. and is performed at the Tir Na Nog Theatre School under the umbrella of Bowen's first Into The West Theatre Festival.
The View is adult themed and tickets will be on sale at Phoenix.
For more information about Kingbaby Productions visit