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Bowen Rotary eyes a busy summer season

A new president, Rotary Run, & a delivery to the Health Centre too

Unlike many other organizations, the Rotary year starts in July, so the last Bowen Rotary meeting in June was a social to celebrate the achievements of outgoing president Steven Trende and to welcome incoming president Cynthia van Hoof Barthel.

Steven reflected on the events and projects of this past year, including the Grafton Commons Greenhouse, the Rotary Run for Rwanda, a Polio fundraiser, the installation of the Cove Water Bottle Refilling Station, the Address Signs, the updated Trails Guide, and donations to the Trails Society, the Gymnastics Club and the Health Centre.

We also celebrated new members Hyunjoo Lee and Paul Szysman. Our potluck dinner was mainly vegan (with a bow to Hyunjoo), with a couple of vegetarian dishes to complement the meal.

July and August are months when we plan new projects for the upcoming year and socialize at each other’s homes. Then, on August 24, we host the Bowen Island Rotary Run, which is responsible for sponsoring 15 young women in their education in Rwanda.

On the same day, we will be erecting a ShelterBox in the Bowfest meadow for participation in Bowfest. ShelterBox is one of our favourite causes!

We are busy organizing another year of interesting speakers and new projects, and we encourage everyone on Bowen Island to visit our website,, to check out our activities, and also to join us at our meetings at Artisan Square.