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Bowen LIFT (Linking Islanders through Friendly Transportation) to launch Bowen Island ride-share app

Bowen LIFT (Linking Islanders through Friendly Transportation) recently met with Katherine Wolters and her daughter Bea to find out how they use Bowen LIFT. Katherine and Bea regularly pick up neighbours from their Eaglecliff neighbourhood.
Katherine Wolters and her daughter Bea.

Bowen LIFT (Linking Islanders through Friendly Transportation) recently met with Katherine Wolters and her daughter Bea to find out how they use Bowen LIFT. Katherine and Bea regularly pick up neighbours from their Eaglecliff neighbourhood. They find it a great way to make every trip count around the island and to meet new people.
In her younger days, Katherine hitch-hiked across Canada and feels that Bowen is a safe place to share rides –especially as the LIFT stop gives the driver a good opportunity to see riders waiting for a lift. When Katherine and Bea heard about the new ride-share app being developed by Bowen LIFT they thought it was a fantastic idea – especially to coordinate riders and drivers off-island.
Here’s how the app will work:
- Users install the app and register as driver, rider or both.  Once registered, they don’t need to do anything further, making it easy to stay engaged.
- Riders ‘raise their digital thumb’ by opening the app.  This sends their ride request to all nearby drivers.  The ride request communicates their desired destination and information about the rider.
-  Drivers remain anonymous to the rider until they decide to offer a ride.  Once they decide to offer the ride, their contact information is sent to the rider.  
-  People who plan ahead can post earlier on their intended travel plans (for both offers and rides), much like the current Bowen LIFT Facebook group.
-  The app will work on both iOS and Android devices.
The app is currently under development by Bowen Islander Tom Carchrae, who has 20 years of experience building software that coordinates the use of resources. With the upcoming mid-life re-fit for the Queen of Capilano, there is an opportunity to increase ride-sharing with all its benefits while accommodating the smaller ferry by use of the app. Bowen LIFT will be at the CSA Christmas Craft Fair on December 7 with more information about the Bowen LIFT app and its use for Bowen.