The Bowen Island Community Choir, and friends, love tradition. That is why we are very excited to be bringing you, once again, the Bowen Island Community Choir Coffee House on Saturday, March 15 at Cates Hill Chapel at 7 pm.
The line up includes, poetry, comedy and music. Individuals, groups, and the choir will entertain you as you sit and have a warm beverage, eat goodies and take in the sounds and sights of your friends and neighbours taking the stage.
Some of our locals are given a rare chance to shine and have their seven minutes of fame. It’s a fine moment when you see a neighbour up on stage singing their heart out, and the next time you see them they might be buying lettuce at the General Store (Canadian grown of course) or shopping at the Knick Knack Nook.
In some ways, it’s been a rough winter. The combined effects of cold, rain, snow, power outages and even earthquakes, plus world events, have some folks feeling kinda blue. The time is right for you to come out to hear your friends and neighbours, tap your toes, have your hearts warmed and forget about the troubles of the world for a couple of hours.
The Bowen Island Community Choir is an amateur choir made up of a collection of over 45 voices - soprano, alto, tenor and bass. We have two concert dates each year and perform two concerts on those days. Our next concert date is Saturday, May 24. Stay tuned for concert times.
This Coffee House is lots of fun and it is also one of our biggest fundraisers. We love having a Bowen audience come out to cheer on all of the performers and to enjoy being with friends, old and new.
We look forward to seeing you at Cates Hill Chapel on Saturday, March 15 at 7 pm. Tickets are $25 and are available at the door.