We are challenging you to get outside for a minimum of 30 min every day in April.
You can hike, run, bike, golf, garden, swim, paddle, ride a horse, or even walk your goats.... as long as you do it outside!
Weekly random draw prizes will be up for grabs no matter what the speed, distance, pace, or activity."
We will send you an April 30 X 30 calendar to keep track of your progress and you will be eligible for the weekly draw prizes.
Follow along on social (@bowenislandtrailsociety), and tag us #bitsapril30x30
New this Year: Wrap up Party for April 30 X 30 participants on May 1, 2022 at the Bowen Island Golf Course: featuring more draw prizes and a drink and sandwich special to celebrate @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
Sign up on email starting March 25, 2022 at [email protected]
Participation in the challenge is free for Bowen Island Trail Society Members, which includes one of our new Bowen Trail Society hats, or $10 for non-members.
Membership details can be found on our website: www.bowenislandtrailsociety.ca
See you outside and on the trails!